birdy love

Friday, May 3, 2013

Baby Stuff.

When we brought Mason home we kind of had an idea of what to do with him, and thank goodness we had family in town to help us out.  After the first few days of chaos, I thought we needed some kind of schedule because I was going crazy because he was so unpredictable!  I later learned that babies are unpredictable :) and at 4 weeks we introduced a schedule - feed him, keep him awake for 1.5 hours after feeding, then let him take a 1.5 hour nap.  We have been doing this schedule with him since he is 4 weeks old and now he's sleeping 5-6 hours at night at 10 weeks.  I think that's normal but I don't know and I'm not sure if you can compare babies sleeping at night since they're all so different.  But I can't complain!  I am a lot more sane having an idea of what to expect, and he knows what to expect too. 

At 8 weeks we started feeding and putting him to bed at 9pm no matter where we were in the 'schedule' that day.  He doesn't always fall asleep at 9 but we're trying to establish that time as bedtime.  He started drinking 4 oz at 4 weeks and has drank 4 oz ever since.  I'm not sure if he drank that much before because I was breastfeeding exclusively, and now I pump and give him a bottle sometimes and breastfeed sometimes.  Most of the time I give him a bottle which requires a lot of pumping and it's exhausting!  Now that I'm back at work it's especially inconvenient- I'm sitting in my classroom right now, door locked, pumping.  Someone just knocked on my door and I'm not about to answer!  They can wait. 

Also at 8 weeks I started getting more relaxed with the schedule because I have started to interpret his cries and can (most of the time) know what he wants.  At 12 weeks we'll start transitioning to eating every 4 hours instead of 3... we'll see how that goes, when Mason is hungry he gets MAD that the bottle isn't heating fast enough so I usually have to breastfeed him until the bottle is ready.  He prefers the bottle because it's easier but if he's hungry enough he'll nurse.  Lazy.  I also like knowing how much he is eating and if he eats 4 oz it'll hold him over until the next feeding time. 

Going back to work has been bittersweet- it's nice to have a break from motherhood and do what I'm used to doing, but I miss his sweetness!  I do love picking him up from the sitter though, because as soon as we make eye contact he gets a huge smile and it lasts for about 5 minutes!  Nonstop smiling and loving on mommy.  I'll take it!  It makes our evenings special when that's the only time I see him.  Last night (morning) he woke up at 2am to eat, so I fed him, but after he ate (and pooped his diaper so much that we had to change clothes because poop was up his back... awesome) he just wanted to smile and play so we did!  I didn't get back to bed until 4.  Then woke up at 5:45am to feed him and get ready for school since I have to leave at 7 for the sitter's house.

All for this cutie pie!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Hospital Things I Need to Remember

Before I went to the hospital I scoured Pinterest trying to figure out what to bring to the hospital, so here's my list! 

What I brought for myself:

Nursing tank top (should have bought a bigger size!)
Nursing Pillow (mine is a My Brest Friend, and I don't really like it because I'm never able to get it to stay under my boobs.  It always slides down and sits in my lap, which I think is wrong?)
My own pillow (this was the best idea!  Those hospital beds are uncomfortable!)
Socks with grippers (cold feet)
Flip flops for the shower (because you never know...)
Shampoo/Conditioner/Body Wash/Loofa
Matching pajama top & bottom (because I'm fancy)
Comfortable clothes to wear home (yoga pants, shirt, sweater cardigan)
Laptop (I shopped online a little)

What I wish I would have brought:
A blanket - the hospital blankets are paper thin - one for me, one for Tyler
A pillow for Tyler... I tried to bring one for him and he said no then regretted it I think!

Tyler was able to get snacks from the doctor's lounge and that was a lifesaver because I was starving.  He also brought a book to read (Duck Dynasty) but I didn't bring anything to read because when I wasn't trying to figure out breastfeeding I was taking a nap.

Here's what I brought for Mason:
Onesie to wear home (bring several sizes since you don't know how big this baby will be!  Our original 'going home' outfit ended up being too small for my big fat baby)
He wore the same outfit while he was in the hospital (I think the nurses changed him when he was in the nursery) so there's no need to bring lots of outfits.  Also don't bring diapers, wipes, etc. because they will provide those things.

I forgot to bring a baby blanket and a baby hat, and wish I would have!

The BEST decision we made was to send Mason to the nursery at night - we had the option to keep him in our room but didn't, thank goodness, because we were exhausted and needed the sleep!  I use the word "sleep" lightly because nurses are constantly coming into the room to check vitals, refill the water (at 2am, really?!), give you medicine, etc. 

I wish I would have taken better care of myself after giving birth.  I didn't follow all the steps to recovery (taking sitz baths when I was supposed to, taking my medicine when I was supposed to) and it caught up with me and was PAINFUL.  So next time I'll listen to the doctor :). 

We had friends and family bring us food which was awesome!  All I want to do is eat since I'm breastfeeding.

Mason is 10 weeks old today!  He smiles at us and is starting to laugh, it's awesome.