birdy love

Monday, January 7, 2013

Week 33

This week I was in a lot better mood than last week.  Sunday was rough- kind of funny though... I woke up with an outfit planned to wear to church (I wanted to wear my Christmas necklace) but then that outfit didn't fit.  Then I tried on maternity clothes, and they didn't fit.  I was so frustrated!  I started to cry.  Then I was laughing that I was so big even my maternity clothes weren't fitting.  Granted, I needed to do laundry, so my options were limited.  When we got to church I was in a horrible mood, then in the middle of church I started crying.  Haha!  I was all over the place!  I had to laugh at myself for being that ridiculous.  On Sunday night, Jayci and Lee stayed the night with us.  They didn't get to Ozark until 11:30pm so we didn't have a whole lot of time to talk.  The next morning we went to Village Inn - it was snowing! - and had good conversation.  I love that I have a friend who I don't have to see or talk to every day (or months at a time), and when we get together we pick up right where we left off.  She is 3 weeks behind me in her pregnancy, and the only thing I regret from her visit is that I didn't get a picture of our bellies!!  They aren't finding out what they're having... obviously I wasn't able to do that, I'm too much of a planner.  I think they're having a girl though!

Every year I always want to do something awesome for New Years Eve.  I make last minute plans and then by the time the next New Year comes around, I can't remember what "awesome" thing I did the last year.  Except for ringing in 2010 (or was it 2011?) at Tawny & Travis Willson's house in KC- I remember that!  This year we went to Larry & Angie's house and had the BEST time.  When I think of New Years Eve I think of sparkly dresses, streamers, glitter, and fancy parties.  This party was absolutely none of those things and it was very fun!  We literally played games the whole time.  I love games.  Good food, good conversation, lots of laughing - I don't remember the last time I laughed so hard I started crying and had a hard time breathing (people were worried I'd go into labor, haha).  We talked about a few of our New Years Resolutions... here are a few of mine:

1- I want to be back to 130 pounds by May 1.
2- I want to be able to jump the wake and do a backroll in the air on the wakeboard.
3- I want to read my Bible and actually read it well.  It doesn't have to be every day, I'm more interested in quality over quantity.  I'm excited for our Sunday school class over 'reading the Bible well', our preacher is teaching it and I think it will help me learn how to do this.
4- I hate making resolutions that aren't things you can measure (yes I did this, no I didn't) but I really want to be a good mom this year and every year after this.  I know that I will make mistakes but I hope I can learn from them.  I'm excited to have an awesome husband to share my life with.  I know that sometimes I'll have no idea what to do and just rely on God to get me through things.  That sounds cliche but God has been so evident in other areas of my life (career, in the classroom, my marriage) that I know he'll be working in our relationship with our little boy.

On Tuesday Tyler and I slept in and just enjoyed each other's company, it was grrrreat!  That night we went to Larry & Angie's again for Kate's birthday dinner/blessing.  I love the family I inherited!  Wednesday morning I cleaned the house a little, then Jess and Kate came over to paint the nursery stripes (Tyler worked a double today).  The rest of this blog is about said stripes.  On Thursday we had our first baby class, it was incredibly boring.  They didn't tell us anything our doctor hadn't already told us.  I'm sure it'll get more informative since there are 5 weeks of classes.  On Friday we just chilled and got the house more organized (I am on an organization kick for the house), and on Saturday I got a massage at noon (a-mazing, just what I needed) then that night I saw Les Mis for Kate's birthday.  I have always wanted to see the play but never have, so I didn't know the plot or anything else about the movie (except the song that goes "I dreamed a dream..." that the America's Got Talent lady sang).  It was incredible!

So- stripes! - here's my inspiration from Pinterest (pinspiration, if you will):

I had no idea how to begin doing this so I'm thankful to have family who are handy with tools!  We (by we I mean Jess and Kate, mostly) used measuring tape, a chalk line (LIFE SAVER!), painter's tape, brushes, and rollers.  The window/door/closet are all at different heights in Mason's room so measuring from the floor was difficult.  We decided to measure a foot from the ceiling and start the stripes there.  We made a chalk line a foot from the ceiling.  I knew the pattern of colors but wasn't sure about the width of each color so we just used the width of the painter's tape.  White- 2 inches, Navy - 1 inch, White- 2 inches, Yellow- 4 inches, White- 2, Navy-1, White-2.  

We taped it all off so we wouldn't paint where we wanted our navy lines to be, so then it looked like this:

Then we painted white between the 2 widest lines.  That was day 1.  Day 2 - when we took the tape off, some of the white had gotten onto the navy lines so we all had tiny paintbrushes in hand, touching up the navy.  It was hard to make straight lines on walls that are textured!  After all the stripes looked fabulous, we taped off where the yellow should be and painted it.  The key to not getting paint under the tape was to brush (with a paintbrush) away from the tape, then rolling a paint roller over that same spot so the brush marks don't show.  It looks like this:

We were so anxious to take the tape off that we didn't let the yellow dry all the way, but that's ok because it turned out FABULOUS!  I am so excited to finish this room!!!

More pictures of the nursery will come.  While we were painting in the room, Tyler was making shelves (another pinterest project) out of wood that I had bought at Lowe's the day before.  Talk about feeling out of place - me, pregnant, walking around the wood section of Lowe's with men all around.  I had no idea what I was doing... anyway, that's another post.  This one is a novel!

  • How far along? 33 weeks
  • Total weight gain? 17 pounds
  • Stretch marks? No, I just keep drinking water whenever I can to keep hydrated...
  • Sleep? I think I experienced 3rd trimester insomnia this week.  My body would be so very tired and my mind was not.  Or, I couldn't get into a comfortable position.  Sometimes I'm able to sleep, sometimes not.  
  • Best moment this week? All the time I got to spend with my family - New years eve, new years day, painting the nursery, seeing a movie... just hanging out!  I feel fortunate to actually enjoy being around my husband's family.  I would choose them as friends, but as a bonus I get to be family!
  • Miss anything? Eating lots of pizza.
  • Movement: Yes.  Less sharp jabs and more 'get out of my ribs please'.  He's getting bigger!
  • Food cravings: The usual... coke/cherry Icee's, milk, juice of any fruit.
  • Anything making you queasy or sick? I have sinus drainage in the mornings and it's no fun.  Hopefully that will go away soon.
  • Showing? Yep!
  • Gender: Boy
  • Labor signs: Not this week.
  • Belly button in or out: Out.  Jess was feeling my stomach on New Years Eve and said "Oh, I think I feel his nose, it's kind of a hard spot right there"... "umm, Jess that's my belly button!" 
  • Wedding rings on or off? On.
  • Happy or moody most of the time? Moody, but less moody than last week.  I'd say this week was 60% happy, 40% moody.
  • Looking forward to: my birthday week!
  • Baby's size: Durian Fruit (I get these from, I have no idea what a durian fruit is!)

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